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Optimize your Google Ads campaigns with Inseed

Immerse yourself in the world of online advertising with Inseedr. Our expertise in Google Ads goes far beyond simply creating ads. We are visibility architects, targeting masters, and conversion champions. Learn how we're maximizing the potential of Google Ads for your business.

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Optimize your Google Ads campaigns with Inseed
75 customers from all walks of life

The impact of our Google Ads campaigns


Average cost per click (CPC) reduction thanks to our targeted strategies.


Average increase in targeted traffic as a result of our campaigns.


Average reduction in unnecessary advertising expenses thanks to our precise targeting strategies.

Our three-step approach to succeed on Google Ads

1. Google Ads strategic definition

Success starts with a solid strategy. Our first step is to deeply understand your goals and target audience. Then, we design a tailor-made Google Ads strategy that maximizes return on investment (ROI).

2. Campaign creation and management

The magic of Google Ads is in creating effective campaigns. We create powerful ads and accurate targeting strategies to reach the right people at the right time. Our team constantly monitors performance for optimal results.

3. Campaign optimizations and reporting

Optimization is the key to long-term success. We're constantly adjusting your campaigns to maximize conversions and minimize costs. Our real-time reporting shows you how every dollar is invested, ensuring transparency and continued growth.

Google Ads

The benefits of working with Inseedr for your Google Ads campaigns

Performance at the heart of our Strategy

With Inseed, every Google Ads campaign is driven by data and concrete results. Our “performance-based” approach means that we are committed to maximizing your return on advertising investment, constantly adjusting your campaigns for optimal results.

Expertise in constant evolution

The online advertising landscape is constantly evolving. Our team stays at the forefront of the latest Google Ads trends and best practices through ongoing training. So you benefit from the very latest advertising strategies.

Full personalization

Every business is unique, so we tailor each Google Ads campaign to meet your specific needs. Whether you are targeting a local or international audience, our tailor-made approach ensures that your advertising budget is used optimally.

Google Ads pricing that helps you succeed


The essentials to get visibility quickly

Facturé mensuellement
“Included” icon
Up to €2,000 worth of media purchases
“Included” icon
1 dedicated account manager
“Included” icon
Strategic launch meeting
“Included” icon
Quarterly reporting
“Included” icon
Annual strategy meetings
“Included” icon
Choose this formula


The essential to greatly accelerate your visibility

Facturé mensuellement
“Included” icon
Up to €8,000 worth of media purchases
“Included” icon
1 dedicated account manager
“Included” icon
Strategic launch meeting
“Included” icon
Monthly reporting
“Included” icon
Quarterly strategy meetings
“Included” icon
Choose this formula


L'approche dédiée aux entreprises ambitieuses pour accélérer fortement

On quotation
Facturé mensuellement
“Included” icon
No media budget limit
“Included” icon
1 dedicated account manager
“Included” icon
Strategic launch meeting
“Included” icon
Reporting on demand
“Included” icon
On-demand strategy meetings
“Included” icon
Choose this formula

The Google Ads experience with Inserdr told by our customers

Learn how Inseedr has transformed online advertising for our customers. Explore their Google Ads success stories and how our expertise helped increase their online visibility, generate conversions, and maximize their return on advertising investment. Let our customers tell you how Inseedr has made a difference in their online advertising campaigns.

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Customer name
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FAQ: Answers to your frequently asked questions about Google Ads

Do you have questions about Google Ads advertising? Dive into our FAQ for detailed answers about our services, pricing, and more. At Inseedr, we are here to enlighten you on all aspects of online advertising.

What are the advantages of advertising on Google Ads compared to other advertising platforms?

Google Ads offers immediate visibility to your target audience. Unlike other platforms, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, which means your advertising budget is used effectively to generate qualified leads.

How do you personalize Google Ads campaigns for each customer?

We understand that every business is unique. At Inseed, we personalize each Google Ads campaign based on your specific goals, industry, and target audience. Our tailor-made approach ensures that your advertising is highly relevant

What is the difference between SEO and Google Ads?

SEO aims to improve your rankings in organic search results, which means that traffic is free but requires time to get results. Google Ads, on the other hand, is a form of paid advertising that generates immediate traffic but requires an advertising budget. Choosing between the two depends on your goals and budget. At Inseed, we can help you determine the best approach for your business.

Can you guarantee results with Google Ads?

We cannot guarantee specific results because Google Ads performance depends on many factors, including competition and changes in Google's algorithm. However, our expertise and our constant monitoring maximize your chances of success.

How long does it take to see meaningful results with Google Ads?

Results vary depending on many factors, but some improvements can be seen within a few weeks. Significant growth can take anywhere from a few months to a year. We work closely with you to reach your goals as soon as possible.

How can I measure the return on investment of my Google Ads campaigns?

We provide you with a detailed performance report that includes key metrics such as cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, return on investment (ROI), and more. You can track your results in real time to assess the performance of your campaigns.